Our color ID is innate


3 June 2019

Our color ID is innate

Some people are sceptical about color and how some hues suit some people and not others. But it all goes down to the basics.

After reading “Color, The Essence of You” by Suzanne Caygill, I have learnt that there is a scientific explanation to this. Color is a radiant energy or vibration of light. We perceive color, it enters the psyche and is filtered leading to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual reactions. What are these reactions generated by? First and foremost, our physical attributes like personal coloring and structure define this. Secondly, our experiences, culture and education condition our tastes. Knowing our color ID means we know our personality factors and psychological reactions to stimuli.

Why is it so important?

If we know our personality and are genuine about it, then we will embrace wearing our right form, color and design. It makes us look & feel harmonious and beautiful. Color is non-verbal communication and is a representation of what we think of ourselves. It is our personality in action. If we are not in harmony with ourselves, we are projecting a distorted or artificial version of ourselves.

“Each hue is altered by contrast with other colors, influenced by light and shadow, until the same one looks entirely different at a given time and place, or in a different texture or surface.”

Color, form and design

Color, texture and form are a whole. Think of a peach. it’s color cannot be dissociated from its velvety texture or rounded lush shape. Yet in our case, as humans, each person is unique. Each human being has an individualized design, color, and form that is suitable to his or her intrinsic value and intent.

As Caygill further explains, just as the foliage of each plant is designed to give significance to each flower, so should the ornamentation of clothing, jewelry, textures and even our home decoration, enhance our native pigmentation and give significance to us as individuals.

We have been enmeshed and entangled in a culture which pushes misrepresentation and artificiality of self, for the sake of high revenues in fashion. This blurs our visibility of what suits us and therefore makes us sometimes purchase according to our misrepresentation of ourselves rather than who we really are in terms of color ID, form and shape.

©I-DYLIC. Article by Eleonore Vadon
