Of color and men?


10 February 2019

“Looking good isn’t self-importance; it’s self-respect.” – Charles Hix

Last Saturday I was at a Slava dinner party. There I was speaking to some people and the conversation came to color… I began talking about I-Dylic and one of the guys said “so you are the color chatbot girl”. I acknowledged. He said: “Hey, I took the test and went out to a store to buy a teal sweater, even my wife couldn’t believe it!”

That’s the thing right? Men are logical. If you show them something will look good on them and it makes sense, they will go for it. Needless to say I was overjoyed.

Now if we get men to wear their right colors and enjoy getting dressed every morning it will be a great success for us. This will have an impact on how they look and feel but also on people around them. Color can be worn in suits, casual wear, sportswear.

How can men begin to wear color?

  1. Accessories: If you are a little shy about it, start with a pair of socks, a belt, a scarf or foulard, but don’t stop there. Base your colors on the ones of your color chart. You can do the test on our bot to find out if you are Kingfisher, Blue Jay, Turaco or Quetzal.

  2. Neutrals: then start mixing one piece of color with neutrals. Choose for example a sweater in one of your colors, and mix it with neutral trousers or jeans, or the other way round, a pair of color trousers with a neutral top. You can also opt for a colorful coat or jacket. It really depends on what appeals to you most.

  3. Color matching: When you are ready for full color looks start mixing 3 main colors in clothes - top, jacket, trousers or shorts, - and add an accessory with a fourth color (a belt, scarf, or shoes).

  4. Be wise: When you purchase something new, make sure the item matches what you have in your wardrobe in terms of color, or buy a total look (!!!) and avoid frustration.

  5. Think circular economy: When you want to get rid of unwanted clothes, remember to donate, sell or recycle them. You will feel all the better for it. If it is a used t-shirt too old to donate, use it to polish your shoes, they will shine like never before.

So go ahead, find your color chart and start embracing new exciting colors!

If you want to know more about our colors and access looks that could suit you, go and discover our Colorbird Styling Coach.

©I-DYLIC. Article by Eleonore Vadon
